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FPGA Software Installation

FPGA python software installation instructions.

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Copy the contents of the “NIST FPGA GUI” folder to local storage. There are five components needed to create the environment for the Comb GUI:

  1. WinPython
  2. Opal Kelly API
  3. Python GUI and FPGA firmware
  4. PyVISA.whl file
  5. Opal Kelly Front Panel driver

Installation Process

  1. Install WinPython using the installer “WinPython-64bit-”. Remember the installation directory.
  2. Open a new file explorer window and navigate to the WinPython installation (wherever you just installed it) and open the folder \python-2.7.10.amd64\Lib\site-packages.
  3. Copy the entire “ok” folder into the site-packages directory of the WinPython Installation.
  4. Open a WinPython command prompt using the shortcut in the WinPython install directory. This provides a command prompt that has the proper path variables to run the GUI using the WinPython installation. Type the following:
    1. pip install {whl_file_dir}\PyVISA-1.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl.
    2. Press tab to cycle through the autocomplete options. Example:
    3. c:\users\osa\WinPython> pip install c:\users\osa\fpga\PyVISA-1.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl
    4. 3.5. Install the Opal Kelly Front Panel Windows Drivers by double-clicking “FrontPanelUSB-Win-x64-4.5.6”
ffc/fpga.1629987970.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/26 14:26 by